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Healing Minds

10 Clues to a Happier Soul And a Better World is all set to inspire you and give you Hope with his thought-provoking accounts.

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Hailing From Humble Beginnings, David Thelen Embodies The Epitome Of Triumph Over Adversity. Echoing The Sentiment Of A Renowned Saying, Thelen Wishes Not For Lighter Burdens From God But Rather For Broader Shoulders To Bear Them In These Challenging Times.

About the Book

10 Clues to a Happier Soul And a Better World is all set to inspire you and give you Hope with his thought-provoking accounts.

Starting with a discourse on the very small chances that life exists on this planet, the book delves into the odds of each of us being born and living today. The book has my own stories, including what I call “da Vinci” – can’t make this stuff up, true experiences – clues that guided me. I hope some stories will touch your heart to the extent that there must be a higher power to help us despite our faults. After all, given the rare chances, each of us was conceived and is alive today.

I write this book, among other things, as a remedy for all the darkness in this world; the Ukraine War, tensions in the far east, crime, immigrants with no welcomed homes, drugs, families breaking apart, and hopelessness. As it is written in the Bible, God said on day 1, “Let there be light,” to day 7, and God rested. With all the suffering, this power is no longer at rest. I say we are on day 8, full circle, “Let there be light” once again! A “New Dawn” of Hope is near. From light to light, day 1 to day 8.

We are all like a letter to a book, a note to a song, a color to a painting, a piece to a puzzle. Individually, we create nothing but put together just right with the help from above; masterpieces can create great things! For humankind from individuals of completely different backgrounds to create masterpieces, whether they are additional books, songs, paintings, or philosophical thinking to move us into the light – God’s 8th day – we must start with the first step. We need to see each other differently and ourselves differently as well.

I talk about very personal stories in the book. I talk about “I can’t make this stuff up” stories that suggest a power is guiding my life. I say it because I believe it’s part of the plan to plant a new seed of ideas for a new renaissance. We need to begin to look into ourselves not only for our quest for happiness but also to find answers to diseases, wars, and people’s addictions to riches and power.

And the most important part is to admit I was wrong.

This book has six parts. The intro includes ideas for positive sayings a person can post on the bathroom window, the TV, and the computer screen. They can say I am smart, beautiful, open to new ideas, and have a good heart. I suggest we all say it in the shower, driving, and walking. After 30 days of saying it, we will become that way. This book suggests how smiles and humor can bring you friends and new jobs and earn you promotions.

The other parts talk about the rare chances for life on earth, my personal stories, ways to improve our communities, Ten Clues for a happier soul and a better world, and the conclusion – the New Beginning, the movement to light.

I finally wrote this book – who me – I can’t believe it! So too, with you believing in yourself! Your dreams that you lost a long time ago or thought about will also come true! Even with all the darkness in the world and your life, “Is the glass 1/5 full or 4/5 empty? I say it depends on how optimistic a person is.” “It’s 1/5 full!” Don’t forget to say those positive things about yourself daily, and give yourself a smile. Then your fortunes will become a glass 100% full. I know because of the chances you were born and are alive!


10 Clues to a Happier Soul And a Better World is all set to inspire you and give you Hope with his thought-provoking accounts.